Weminuche Creek, Colorado, 1986 – 2006

Assessed, designed, and implemented over 5.0 mi of restoration over five phases beginning in 1986 to improve channel functioning and aquatic habitat. Abandoned channel reaches were converted to oxbow lakes to raise the water table and to improve the aquatic and terrestrial habitat. Extensive measurements including sediment, fish habitat, benthics, and monitoring resurveys were collected from 1986–2008.

Weminuche Creek after restoration showing a single-thread channel with a J-Hook Vane structure and willow transplants
Weminuche Creek prior to restoration showing an overwide, braided channel

BEFORE RESTORATION: Weminuche Creek prior to restoration showing an overwide, braided channel .

AFTER RESTORATION: Weminuche Creek after restoration showing a single-thread channel with a J-Hook Vane structure and willow transplants.

Weminuche Creek after restoration that reconnected the 2,100 ft of abandoned channel and reconnected the channel to its floodplain by plugging the gully at the point of avulsion and creating a series of oxbow ponds within the previous gully
Weminuche Creek prior to restoration showing channel avulsion and gully that cutoff 2,100 ft of channel

BEFORE RESTORATION: Weminuche Creek prior to restoration showing channel avulsion and gully that cutoff 2,100 ft of channel.

AFTER RESTORATION: Weminuche Creek after restoration that reconnected the 2,100 ft of abandoned channel and reconnected the channel to its floodplain by plugging the gully at the point of avulsion and creating a series of oxbow ponds within the previous gully .

North Douglas Creek following the first flows that filled the debris basin with sediment and created the desired braided channel on the fan surface

Detailed sediment measurements were taken to validate a sediment transport capacity model (FlowSed/PowerSed) and for assessment and design purposes.

Weminuche Creek featured on the cover of Southwest Fly Fishing

Weminuche Creek featured on the cover of Southwest Fly Fishing.

Wildland Hydrology Inc.
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